It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, It is our choices.
– Professor Albus Dumbledore

Trust Me I'm Handsome!!

Hi ✋🏼, I am Molla Mostafizur Rahman(Rimon). People usually call me Rimon.
I work as a Senior Software Engineer at Tiger IT Bangladesh Limited in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I joined Tiger IT in December 2016 as a Software Engineer after completing my Bsc in Computer Science and Engineering from United International University.

Recently, I have promoted to a Senior Software Engineer and now leading a team of 5 brilliant developers. My key responsibilities are,

  1. Guide and review the work of my team members.
  2. Design and develop large scale enterprise applications and mainstream software products along with my team.
  3. Research and develop software modules with latest and cutting edge technologies and integrating them with projects.
  4. Designing data-intensive microservices.

I have always been passionate about computers, and technology as a whole. My first interaction with a computer was in April 2008. After my Secondary School Certificate Exam, I somehow convinced my mother to buy me a PC.
As I had no guidance and no internet that time, I mostly utilized that system by watching movies, listening musing and playing games. Now I wish somebody had given me a book to learn some programming language.

Why Blog in 2020 ⁉️

When I read something, I convince myself that I understood it. But, when I try to write down the same thing, I have to prove that I entirely understood the topic by putting it into meaningful simple sentences. In that way, writing has supported me by putting together my knowledge and thoughts about anything in a systematic manner.

Some of you may ask why blog in 2020? Isn’t creating video on youtube is the trend right now? For them, my answer is I’m not a camera person. Also, I’m leaving Youtube for my future project. Maybe one day I will start a youtube channel. 📽

This website mainly focused on self-improvement through sharing knowledge and maintain an online footprint. I keep notes on things I learn from books, articles, speeches, youtube videos, and jot them down here. One other motivation is to document my learning so that somebody else can take benefit from it.

Now go ahead, and read some of the stuff form blog posts and add me to your RSS reader. 😃 If you wanted to know what I’m up to now, visit the now page.

This blog is built using Hugo and hosted in Github for free. I’m using a theme named hello-friend-ng.

You can find me on Linkedin, Twitter, Github, and StackOverflow. 📧 If you are want to contact me for anything, just drop me an mail at rimonmostafiz[at]gmail[dot]com.

My resume if you want to know more about my professional career and my skillsets.

Thanks again for your time. Have a good day. Cheers 🎉