Problem Statement:

UVa 406 – Prime Cuts

Before beginning I want to say the problem description seems quite awkward to me, for me it took a time to understand what is actually asked by the problem. but when I found out its very easy to code.

Solution Idea:

First of all use Sieve of Eratosthenes to generate primes between 1000. You will be given two numbers N and C, then you need to make a list of primes between 1 to N(inclusive).

For this problem you need to consider 1 as a Prime. Now find out the size of the list. Let represent the size of the list with S. Now if size of the list is even then you need to print C*2 items. If the size of the list is odd then you need to print C*2 - 1 items. Consider K is the number of item you need to print. Here comes the question form where should start printing form the list. The condition is if K > S then you need to print all primes form 1 to N, otherwise you should start form (S - K) / 2 th position of the list and print next K items.


Try to code it yourself, if you can’t code it or need any help let me know in the comments.

Happy Coding 😃