You will need a free Oracle account to log in and download SQL Developer from Oracle Technology Network site. For ubuntu download the Other Platforms version. At the time of writing this post, I download version is You will also need Java to run Oracle SQL developer.

After download, I moved the download file to /home/rimonmostafiz/Applications (you can choose any other location you prefer).

Move the download file to /home/rimonmostafiz/Applications. you can choose any other location you prefer.

$ sudo mv /home/rimonmostafiz/Applications
$ cd /home/rimonmostafiz/Applications
$ sudo unzip

Next link over an in-path launcher for Oracle SQL Developer

$ sudo ln -s /home/rimonmostafiz/Applications/sqldeveloper/ /bin/sqldeveloper
$ sudo rm /usr/local/bin/sqldeveloper*.zip

Edit /home/rimonmostafiz/Applications/sqldeveloper/ and replace it’s content to:

cd /home/rimonmostafiz/Applications/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin
./sqldeveloper "$@"

If ./sqldeveloper permission denied error occurs Try this

cd /home/rimonmostafiz/Applications/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin && bash sqldeveloper $*

Now run sql developer by typing command

$ sqldeveloper

Note: When you run Sql Developer at the first time, you need to specify the path of JDK’s folder. In my computer, JDK stored at /home/rimonmostafiz/.sdkman/candidates/java/8u152 I prefer use SDKMAN to manage my different versions of java. You can read details about SDKMAN from My Manage JDK using SDKMAN post.**

Now we can create a desktop application for easy to use:

$ cd /usr/share/applications/
$ sudo vim sqldeveloper.desktop

then add the following lines to the file

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Oracle SQL Developer

Finally run

$ sudo update-desktop-database

Now you will find Oracle SQL Developer in your app launcher.

  • Ubuntu Verson: 16.04 LTS
  • JDK Verison: 1.8
  • SQL Developer Version: