Junit 5 Architecture

  • Junit Engine/Junit Jupiter Engine (core engine of Junit)
    • Junit Jupiter API
    • Junit Vintage (For legacy versions)
    • Junit Extentions

JUnit 5 = JUnit Platform + JUnit Jupiter + JUnit Vintage

Import dependency to pom.xml



  • @Test annotation is to mark a method as test

  • assertEquals(expected, actual) methods to test equality

    private void testAdd() {
        int actual = mathUtils.add(0, 1);
        assertEquals(1, actual, "Should add two numbers");
  • public static <T extends Throwable> T assertThrows(Class<T> expectedType, Executable executable) method to check for exception thrown by a method

    • Here Executable is a @FunctionalInterface with one method void execute() throws Throwable;
    private void testDivide() {
        Executable executable = () -> mathUtils.divide(10, 0);
        assertThrows(ArithmeticException.class, executable, "Divide by 0 should return excpetion");
  • fail() method will mark a test as fail.

  • New instance created per test

    • By default Junit creates new instance of the call for every test, before running every method that marked as @Test of that particular class
    • But this can be changed using @TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS) which is not suggested ❌
      • @TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS) doesn’t guarantee order though ‼️
      • we don’t need to use static for @BeforeAll when using PER_CLASS strategy 🤦🏻‍♂️

Life Cycle Hooks ♻️

  • Junit provides 4 lifecycle hooks
    • @BeforeAll - Runs before the instance is created to must be a static method
    • @BeforeEach - Runs before every @Test method, helpful for initializing method variables
    • @AfterAll - Tear down method, runs after every @Test method
    • @AfterEach - It is used to signal that the annotated method should be executed after each @Test method in the current class.

Useful Annotations (Good to know)

  • @DisplayName - Change the name of the test instead showing method name

  • @Dsiabled - Skip test method

    @DisplayName("Woring on TDD, Shoud skipped for now")
    private void incompleMethod() {
        double actual = mathUtils.calculateCircleArea(10);
        double expected = Math.PI * 100;
        assertEquals(expected, actual);

Conditional Execution

  • @EnableOnOs(OS.LINUX)

    @DisplayName("Should Skip as I'm not using Linux")
    public void enableONLinux() {
        fail("On Linux this test should fail");
  • @EnableOrJre(JRE.JAVA_11)

  • @EnableIf

  • @EanbleIfSystemProperty

  • @EnableIfEnvironmentVariable

Handling external factors

  • @assumeTrue - Run when an assumption is true otherwise skip this method

    public void runIfServerIsUp() {
        // write your test here;

Using @Nested 🎁

Group multiple tests for a method with @Nested

@DisplayName("add method")
class AddTest {
    @DisplayName("when adding two positive numbers")
    public void testAddPositive() {
        int actual = mathUtils.add(0, 1);
        assertEquals(1, actual, "should return right sum");

    @DisplayName("when adding two negative numbers")
    public void testAddNegative() {
        int actual = mathUtils.add(-10, -10);
        assertEquals(-20, actual, "should return right sum");

Using assertAll

Multiple assertions inside a method. Can group multiple test without create separate methods.

@DisplayName("Test Multiply method using assertAll")
public void testMultiply() {
            () -> assertEquals(4, mathUtils.multiply(2, 2)),
            () -> assertEquals(0, mathUtils.multiply(2, 0)),
            () -> assertEquals(-9, mathUtils.multiply(-3, 3))

Lazy loading message using supplier

a supplier can be passed to assert methods, it will run only when the test fails. Can save time for complex message construction.

@DisplayName("Calculate Circle Area will fail")
public void circleAreaWithWrongValueOfPI() {
    double actual = mathUtils.calculateCircleArea(10);
    double rightExpected = 3.1417 * 100;
    double wrongExpected = Math.PI * 100;
    assertEquals(rightExpected, actual, () -> "Supplier will construct this message lazily if test fails");
    assertEquals(wrongExpected, actual, () -> "Supplier will construct this message lazily, fails at " + Instant.now().toString());

Repeat test with @RepetedTest 🔄

@ReptedTest() can run a single test multiple times, the test will successful if all the repeated test is successful.

Junit will inject a RepetitionInfo object to the method marked as @RepetedTest() where information of repetition will reside.

@DisplayName("Test Multiply method should be tested 3 times")
public void testMultiplyMultipleTimes(RepetitionInfo repetitionInfo) {
    assertEquals(4, mathUtils.multiply(2, 2));

Use @Tag for tagging test methods

When there is lots of test then @Tag can be helpful. Tagging different test and run them based on tag. Then Change run configuration to run test for certain tag.

Junit tag configuration

Also maven-surefire-plugin can be configured to group and run test by tags.


TestInfo and TestReporter

Junit can inject two handy class call TestInfo and TestReporter that can be used to print details about the test.

private TestInfo testInfo;
private TestReporter testReporter;

public void init(TestInfo testInfo, TestReporter testReporter) {
    System.out.println("Before Each Method");
    this.testInfo = testInfo;
    this.testReporter = testReporter;
    mathUtils = new MathUtils();
    serverIsUp = false;

@DisplayName("Test Multiply method using assertAll")
public void testMultiply() {
    testReporter.publishEntry("Running " + testInfo.getDisplayName() + " with tag " + testInfo.getTags());
            () -> assertEquals(4, mathUtils.multiply(2, 2)),
            () -> assertEquals(0, mathUtils.multiply(2, 0)),
            () -> assertEquals(-9, mathUtils.multiply(-3, 3))

Avoid ☠️

  • Do not order your test methods, It is not logics to order test methods. Every test should be independent.
  • Dont modify member variable inside a test, it will not work as JUnit by default create instance of test class before running every test.

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