How to set up alias in Linux

Every time I need to see different projects logs from application servers logs folder from different terminal window,  I have to go to Weblogic’s logs folder and then open the log file using less or tail -f project-name.log 

cd /home/rimonmostafiz/Applications/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/logs/
less project-name.log or tail -f project-name.log

I don’t want to write this long string Everytime, Wouldn’t it be easier to just type something like the following?

less project-name.log

Open your .bashrc file

Your .bashrc file is located in your user directory. Open it in your favorite text editor. I like vim

vim ~/.bashrc

Then go to the end of the file In vim you can

Press        Shift + G (Will go to the last line of your file)
Then Press   Shift + A (Will start appending after the last line)
Then Press   Enter

Add alias

Basic format of the alias is alias aliasname='mycommand' Note that there is no space between alias name and the EQUAL(=) and command

So my alias should be

alias logs='cd /home/rimonmostafiz/Applications/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/logs/'

Chain Multiple Commands In alias

alias logs='cd /home/rimonmostafiz/Applications/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/ && cd user_projects/domains/base_domain/logs/'

This && operator will run a set of commands and only continue to the next command if the previous one was successful.

Write and Close .bashrc File

In vim, Press ESCAPE to get to normal mode and run the following command and press ENTER to write and quit:


If you use any other editor, just save and close the file.

Source .bashrc

$source ~/.bashrc

Done, Now your alias should work.

Another Cool Approach

So Isn’t it be cooler If you could do something like this?

less_logs project-name.log
tail-f_logs project-name.log

Guess what, Yes you can do that :) alias does not accept parameters but a function can be called just like an alias. For example:

Function call like alias

I have added following functions in my .bashrc

less_logs() {
    cd /home/rimonmostafiz/Applications/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/logs/;
    less "$1";

tail_f_logs() {
    cd /home/rimonmostafiz/Applications/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/logs/;
    tail -f "$1";

That’s it, It can save your time and increase your efficiency :)